Using `reduce` to Implement Other Clojure Functions

In yesterday’s post, we took a look at reduce, one of the true workhorses of functional programming. In today’s post, we’ll see how we can use reduce to implement some other functions in the Clojure standard library.

As we learned previously, reduce takes three arguments: a reducing function, an optional starting value, and a collection. If you don’t supply reduce with a starting value, it will use the first item in the collection as the starting value and start processing from the second item.

We also learned that a reducing function takes two arguments. The first argument is the current state of the reduction, and the second is the input value to be used to compute the new state, which is the return value. In yesterday’s post, I said that there are other Clojure standard library functions that can act as a reducing function. One of the most important is conj.

Often, we think of conj as just adding an item to a vector, like so

user> (conj [1 2] 3)
[1 2 3]

But conj also works on other data types such as maps and sets.

user> (conj {:a 1} [:b 2])
{:a 1, :b 2}
user> (conj #{:a :b} :c)
#{:c :b :a}

It turns out that conj is also a reducing function. It takes a collection (the state) as the first argument and an item to add to the collection (the input) as its second argument.

We can use reduce with conj as our reducing function to create our own Clojure Crazy version of into.

user> (defn cc-into [to from]
        (reduce conj to from))
user> (cc-into {:a 1 :b 2} [[:c 3]])
{:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
user> (cc-into #{} [1 2 3 4 5 6])
#{1 4 6 3 2 5}

It’s fairly easy to re-implement other Clojure standard functions, too. Here’s a re-implementation of filterv, which is basically just a non-lazy version of filter which returns its results in a vector instead of a lazy sequence.

user> (filterv odd? (range 10))
[1 3 5 7 9]
user> (defn cc-filterv [pred coll]
        (reduce (fn [state input]
                  (if (pred input)
                    (conj state input)

user> (cc-filterv odd? (range 10))
[1 3 5 7 9]

Here, our reducing function applies the predicate to the input value and if it returns “truthy,” the reducing function adds the input to the state via conj. If the predicate returns “falsey” (either false or nil), then the reducing function returns the state unchanged. This has the effect of not including that particular input item in the output vector.

Finally, here’s a re-implementation of mapv.

user> (defn cc-mapv [f coll]
        (reduce (fn [state input]
                  (conj state (f input)))
user> (cc-mapv (partial * 5) (range 10))
[0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45]

It’s amazingly simple. Our reducing function applies f to every input and then adds the result to the state using conj. That’s it.

We could go on and re-implement similar replacements for lots of other collection functions such as distinct, group-by, keep, remove, replace, etc. They’re all variations on this. If you want some exercises to help these ideas really stick, try implementing them all yourself. Start with keep and remove. Then, move on to distinct, group-by, and replace.

It’s important to note that all of our replacement functions have been “greedy” like mapv and filterv, not “lazy” like map or filter. According to its nature, reduce processes the full input collection before it returns a result.

Also, we’ve used conj to build the output vector since it adds items to the back of the vector, not the front like cons. Thus, it preserves the order of the items in the collection as it processes them. If you implement a replacement for group-by, you’ll need to think about using functions other than conj to build up the output value.

Next time, we’ll see how reduce and these ideas about re-implementing functions like filterv and mapv using reduce start to set the stage for understanding Clojure transducers.