Disclaimer: these posts are synchronized from Planet Clojure

Using classifiers with deps.edn

One of Maven’s dependency management features is the classifier. Classifiers let you create multiple different artifacts from the same POM. You might use this to publish variations with native libraries for each OS, or to support different Java versions. This is also how sources and javadoc artifact...

Contributing to Clojure

In the spirit of the classic “How A Bill Becomes a Law”, I’d like to give some insight into how a Clojure question or JIRA ticket becomes a commit in the Clojure code.Users and contributors...

htmx in Clojure using kit framework

About HTMX htmx is an alternative approach to making dynamic web applications. Instead of having Javascript (or Clojurescript) heavy frontend, and pass around a bunch of json data that gets transformed to html by the javascript code, htmx takes the other approach. It basically passes html dire...

A portrait of the coder as a young(-ish) man

It's gonna be another short one today (#📞-it-📥), as I have 55 minutes to write this post, take a shower, and walk to the bus stop so I can head into town to meet my friend Jordan for a visit to Fotografiska, a cool museum of photography.I've been hacking quite a bit on my blog over the last few da...

What are the Clojure Tools?

This post is an overview of the Clojure Tools. When I started my Clojure journey I had questions like: How do I install Clojure? How do I run a Clojure program? How do I manage Clojure packages (dependencies)? How do I configure a Clojure project? How do I build Clojure for production? ...

How to run tests in clojurescript

This is a stupid simple guide to setting up clojurescript tests. This was written out of sheer frustration at the lack of a simple guide to run cljs tests. This will not be a guide about the various configurations you can run tests with, or the various ways to run cljs tests or any of the fancy stuf...

Hacking the blog: actually caching

When last we left our intrepid blogger (me), he (I) had just admitted that there was a bug in his (my) caching code. 😢But never fear! He (I) grabbed some hammock time, then grabbed his (my) trusty REPL, then set about decomplecting the caching code to make it Rich compliant. This post will detail t...

Clojure Deref (July 15, 2022)

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS) Highlights The Dutch Clojure Day will return on Oct 29th in Amsterdam - check out the CFP and registration. We’ve seen a number of questions about the Clojure/conj and a group ha...

(clj 10) The mapify function of (clj 9) revisited

In my previous Clojure post I covered the code example at the end of Chapter 4 of "Clojure for the Brave and True". Or rather, I focused on a single function in the example, called mapify, and described how I figured out what it does. At the end of that post I shared my disappointment: Having done ...

Clojure Sound - 4 - Ctrl-Left-Pedal

In the last article we managed to connect a MIDI controller and receive updates whenever something happens to its knobs and buttons. So what? As it is, nothing. Printing out messages is not of much use, beyond perhaps getting informed about how these messages look like, and what kind of data they t...

Top 7 template engines for Node JS 2022

Top 7 template engines for Node JS 2022 Today, we are going to discuss the top 7 template engines for Node JS 2022 and if you want to know about what are template engines and more then you can visit this post. In this post, I have explained template engines and pug. So, if you will like our...

Hacking the blog: categories

Today's post is coming pretty late in the day due to me spending a few hours working on the final chapter of "Story of a mediocre fan" (not quite finished, but I'll wrap it up in the morning), playing some Civ V (I'm running the Mongol empire these days), actually doing the thing I'm about to write ...

How Clojure works for you

Dear Janet, I hope this email finds you well. I know I&aposm just a fictional character in a fictional email to set up the hook for this blog post, but I was wondering if you could help me speed up our slow library. We use the best algorithms money can buy, but the code still chugs along. Thanks, Ji...

Senior Software Engineer at Horizon Investments

Senior Software Engineer at Horizon InvestmentsWe are Horizon Investments. We empower financial advisors by helping them make AND communicate investment and financial planning decisions. We are looking for a senior engineer to join our small team. The role is full-stack; however, our needs currently...