I've used emacs for more than a decade, I really loved it, however recently I find the emacs pinky finger problem gets more serious. Since now I am out of job, it is just the right time to give spacemacs a try. I believe that tools are tools, not for fancy show-casing, so I just use Practicalli's spacemacs configuration instead tweaking my own.
Use mirrors in China
For users in China, use a mirror for spacemacs, this will save a lot time downloading packages. Locate configuration-layer-elpa-archives
in ~/.spacemacs.d/init.el
and edit as follows:
(setq configuration-layer-elpa-archives
'(("melpa-cn" . "http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/melpa/")
("org-cn" . "http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/org/")
("gnu-cn" . "http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/elpa/gnu/")))
Visual selection
Key(s) | Action |
v | Start visual selection, then use navigation keys to select region |
V | Start visual selection by entire line(s) |
SPC v | Start visual selection starting from current word, then use v / V to widen / narrow search. |
General editing
Key(s) | Action |
I | Edit from start of line |
A | Edit from end of line |
i | Edit before current character |
a | Edit after current character |
o | Edit by starting a new line below |
O | Edit by starting a new line above |
c w | Change current world |
4 c w | Change 4 words starting from current word |
v c | Change current character |
SPC v c | Change current word |
SPC v d | Delete current word |
C | Change till the end of current line |
D | Delete till the end of current line |
x p | Transpose current character with next |
SPC x t c | Transpose current character with previous |
SPC x t w | Transpose current word with previous |
SPC x t l | Transpose current line with previous |
SPC S c | Spell check and change current word |
z = | Spell check and change all occurrences of current word |
SPC j = | Indent region or buffer |
SPC { d } | Kill paragraph |
C-R " | Paste from register in edit mode |
M-q | Wrap line (This is hard wrap, for soft wrap use SPC t j ) |
Programmer editing
Key(s) | Action |
d a b | Delete current s-expression |
d i b | Delete the contents of current s-expression |
c a b | Change current s-expression |
c i b | Change the contents of current s-expression |
y a b | Copy current s-expression |
y i b | Copy the contents of current s-expression |
SPC k t | Transpose current s-expression with previous |
g c c | Comment current line |
M-; | Add comment to the end of line |
% | Jump to matching brackets |
C-k | sp-kill-hybird-sexp, kill line respecting pair delimiters. Key biding works in normal modes in some major modes |
Key(s) | Action |
0 | Go to start of line |
^ | Go to first non-whitespace character in current line |
e | End of world without trailing white space |
w | End of word with trailing white space |
f/ | Go forward to the first occurrence of / |
M | Go to middle of buffer |
H | Go to head of buffer |
C-u | Go up half a page |
C-d | Go down half a page |
SPC j i | List of functions/items in current buffer |
g d | Goto definition |
C-o | Go back |
C-i | Go forward (Reverse of C-o ) |
g ; | Go to position of last edit |
m a | Add a named marker a |
a | Go to mark a` |
' a | Go to the line with mark a |
:marks | List all marks |
'' | Go to last place |
SPC j j | Jump by character |
SPC j l | Jump by line |
C-y | scroll down without moving cursor |
C-e | Scroll up without moving cursor |
z t | Put current line to top of buffer |
z b | Put current line to bottom of buffer |
z z | Put current line to center of buffer |
8 G | Go to line by number |
z c | Fold current block |
z o | Unfold/Expand current block |
SPC t l | Toggle line wrap, similar to soft wrap seen in other editors |
SPC t n v | Toggle line numbers |
Narrowing is very useful to many occasions, e.g., limiting search/replace region, or focusing on function or block.
Key(s) | Action |
SPC n f | Narrow to function/block |
SPC n r | Narrow to select region |
SPC n w | Widen, use this to undo narrowing |
Toggle Themes
You can edit themes by editing the values of dotspacemacs-themes
in spacemacs configuration file (SPC f e d
), when emacs starts it will use the first theme as default theme. A list of themes can be found at emacs-theme-gallery and Spacemacs ThemesSpacemacs Themes. My current favorite dark theme is cyberpunk
Key(s) | Action |
SPC T n | Switch to next theme and open themes transition state, use n /p to preview next/previous theme. |
Multi edit
Evil multi-cursor (evil-mc) mode
Use visual selection to select world(s), then use C-p
or C-n
to select occurrences above or below, then
- enter edit mode to edit multiple occurrences, or
- use
g r q
to quit multi-edit mode, or - use
g r p
org r n
to exclude previous or next occurrence
Key(s) | Action |
SPC s e | Edit all occurrence of the word under cursor. Spacemacs will display the number of occurrences in the status bar. Use ESC to quit. |
Kill ring
Key(s) | Action |
SPC r y | Show kill ring (helm-show-kill-ring), i.e., list of copy/paste history |
Magit, git
Key(s) | Action |
SPC g s | Show git status |
s | Add the highlighted file to staging |
c c | Create a commit, edit commit message. Use , , to submit commit or use , k to cancel the commit. |
q | Close magit window |
Key(s) | Action |
SPC f f | Find file, use C-h to go to parent directory |
SPC p f | Find file in current project |
SPC p k | Kill project |
SPC f e d | Open spacemacs configuration file |
SPC f e R | Reload spacemacs configuration file |
is for viewing and navigating project files.
Key(s) | Action |
SPC f t | Open treemacs buffer. Type ? for more key bindings. |
SPC p t | Open project root in treemacs buffer |
C-c C-p d | Remove a project from treemacs buffer |
SPC 0 | If in file buffer, switch to treemacs buffer |
is a file manager in emacs.
Key(s) | Action |
SPC a t r r | Open ranger buffer |
h | Go to parent directory |
l | Jump to selected item |
y y | Copy file |
p p | Paste file |
f | Search by file name |
Key(s) | Action |
SPC b b | List buffers for current layout. (See the remarks below.) |
SPC b B | List buffers for all layouts. (See the remarks below.) |
SPC b . | Start buffer transition state. You can then use n , p etc to switch to other buffers b. |
SPC TAB | Toggle buffer |
SPC b d | Kill this buffer |
SPC b n | Go to next buffer |
SPC b p | Go to previous buffer |
SPC b s | Go to scratch buffer |
SPC b Y | Copy current buffer |
SPC f c | Save current buffer as a new file |
SPC b w | Toggle buffer as read-only |
SPC f s | Save current buffer |
SPC f S | Save all buffers |
SPC f R | Change file name of current buffer |
SPC f y n | Copy file name of current buffer |
SPC b u | Reopen last killed buffer |
SPC b C-d | Kill other buffers |
to enter helm transition state, then you can mark buffer(s) uset
and kill the marked buffer(s) withM-D
Layout is also known as perspective in spacemacs, a layout contains a list of buffers. When spaceemacs is started, the default layout is Global
Key(s) | Action |
SPC l l | List all layouts |
SPC l s | Save current layout to a file |
SPC l L | Load layout from file |
SPC l x | Kill current layout with all buffers |
It's an easy way to pause and resume editing a file. The bookmark-
feature is like a light version of layout.
Key(s) | Command | Action |
C-x r m | bookmark-set | Create a named bookmark |
C-x r b | bookmark-jump | Open a saved bookmark |
Key(s) | Action |
SPC s s | Search with helm-swoop in current buffer |
SPC s S | Search with helm-swoop in current buffer for current word |
SPC s p | Search with helm-swoop in current project |
SPC r l | Resume last search (helm-resume ) |
SPC s l | Repeat last search (for project search only) |
SPC p % | Regex replace in all file in project, type ? for help |
* | Search forward for the word under cursor. Use n or p to go to next or previous match. You can also start iedit from here. |
# | Search backward for the word under cursor. Use n or p to go to next or previous match. You can also start iedit from here. |
SPC s c | Clear search highlights |
If you have ripgrep installed, you can use ripgrep arguments as the search pattern. Example patterns for search the term bql
in different files:
- Search only in Java files:
-g*.java bql // Or use `-t` flag: -tjava bql
- Search in any files except Java files:
-g!*.java bql
- Show 2 lines above and below the occurrence, this works in project search only:
-C2 bql
Search and replace
After doing search and helm buffered displayed, press C-c C-e
, you can then edit the results in a new buffer as if it's a new file, e.g., you can use SPC s e
to replace all occurrences.
Undo tree
Key(s) | Action |
SPC a u | Show undo tree. Use j , k , h , l to select from the edit history. |
Spacemacs Clojure mode key bindings
Key(s) | Action |
, ' | Run Clojure REPL (sesman-start ) |
, e f | Evaluate current s-expression and show result |
, s f | Send current s-expression to REPL and evaluate |
, e v | Evaluate expression before point (cider-eval-sexp-at-point ) |
, e l | Evaluate expression at current line |
, s b | Reload current buffer (cider-load-buffer ) |
, e b | Evaluate current buffer |
, s a | Toggle between REPL and Clojure source code |
, s n | Change REPL namespace to current buffer |
, s l | Clear REPL |
, m q q | Quit REPL |
, m q r | Restart REPL (sesman-restart ) |
, h h | Show doc |
, e ; | Evaluate current s-expression and print result as comment in a new line |
, e w | Evaluate last s-expression and replace the expression with the result |
, e p f | Evaluate current s-expression and pretty-print result in a new buffer |
, e b | Evaluate all code in buffer |
, t a | Run all tests |
, m b | Browse active REPLs (sesman-browse ) |
, e e | Evaluate expression before cursor |
, e w | Evaluate expression and replace by the results |
, e m | Macro-expand for immediate macro |
, e M | Macro-expand for all nested macros |
, T e | Toggle enlighten mode with cider inspector |
, d v | Inspect current symbol |
, h a | cider-apropos , show list of Clojure symbols |
, g r | Find reference to the symbol under cursor |
followed byv
to expand or shrink expression selection.
When in Clojure REPL buffer, the following keybinding are available:
Key(s) | Action |
C-j | Cycle up through history |
C-k | Cycle down through history |
, | Open mini buffer showing cider commands. For instance, you can use clear command to clear REPL buffer. |
List state
Lisp State is for easy navigating and editing s-expressions in Clojure mode.
Key(s) | Action |
SPC k . | Toggle list-state. When lisp-state is on, the status mode indicator is shown as L . |
Key bindings in lisp state:
For a complete list of key bindings, see lisp-state
- Lisp state uses a different set of keybindings, to switch back to normal state, press the
key.- After calling a Lisp state function, the buffer enters Lisp state, lisp state functions can be triggered without the
Key(s) | Action |
SPC k . | Start lisp state |
L | Next expression |
H | Previous expression |
SPC k w | Wrap expression with parenthesis |
SPC k W | Unwrap expression |
SPC k y | Copy expression |
SPC k y | Copy expression |
SPC k s | Forward slurp expression (move inside the expression after the current s-expression ) |
SPC k d x | Delete s-expression |
M-t | Transpose current s-expression with previous |
To use an existing snippets,
- Type the
defined in the snippet - Use
to expand with snippet - Use
to jump to other makers in the snippet
Sinppets are saved in ~/.spacemacs.d/snippets/
or ~/.emacs.d/private/snippets/
List of snippets can be found with the
Every snippet is a single file under a directory named with its target major mode.
A example snippet at ~/.spacemacs.d/snippets/org-mode/journal-entry
is shown below, you type journal-entry
to trigger the snippet and everything below # --
will be inserted in place for you.
indicates the end cursor position, while$1
etc indicates the initial and second positions.
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
#name : journal-entry
#key : journal-entry
#contributor : jr0cket
# --
* 201912$1
** Thoughts for today
** Code commits
*** .
** Activities in detail
*** .
Zoom / Adjust font size
Key(s) | Action |
SPC z f | Show mini buffer to adjust font size |
Org mode
Key(s) | Action |
SPC a o o n | List all agenda and todos |
g r | In org-agenda buffer, refresh agenda |
C-c [ | org-agenda-file-to-front, add this file to agenda list |
t | Toggle ToDo state selector |
, b d | Create a code block |
, d d | Create deadline for the current task |
, d s | Schedule the start date for the current task |
, i b | Create a template block, it's more general than , b d |
, T c | Toggle check box (a check box is simply a pair of brackets: [ ] ) |
M-Left | Promote headings |
M-Right | Demote headings |
M-S-Left | Promote headings with all its sub-items |
M-S-Right | Demote headings with all its sub-items |
, i l | Insert a link |
, i L | Insert a link, auto extract link title from the link |
SPC a o l | Store a link target (org-store-link ), use , i l to insert the link |
, d d | Add deadline/schedule a task |
, s A | org-archive-subtree, move current node to the archive file |
, C p | org-pomodoro |
, s S | Sort subtree |
, s n | Narrow to subtree, use this to narrow buffer to current org subtree |
, s w | Widen, this is the opposite of ~, s n~ |
C-c @ | org-mark-subtree, select subtree |
C-c C-x C-c | org-columns view, press q to quit column view |
SPC a o C i | org-clock-in |
SPC a o C o | org-clock-out |
SPC a o C g | org-clock-goto, goto the active task |
If you have source code in an org file, it can be slow to open this file caused by source code evaluation. Disable code eval by adding this header argument:
#+PROPERTY: header-args :eval no
. See source.
Journal mode
Key(s) | Action |
SPC a o j j | Create a new journal for current day |
, p | Previous journal |
, n | Next journal |
EasyPG Assistant
You can encrypt or decrypt files with epa-
commands, some are listed below.
Command | Action |
epa-list-key | List all GPG keys |
epa-encrypt-file | Encrypt a file with GPG key. Use symmetric encryption if no key is selected. |
epa-decrypt-file | Decrypt a file. Emacs will cache password so you may not be asked to enter password for the file encrypted a short time ago. |
Macro in emacs means a sequence of actions usually edits. You can use macro to simplify repetitive tasks.
To define and use a macro:
- Press
q q
to start macro definition, all actions afterwards will be recorded. - Preform the editing actions you'd like to record.
- Press
to complete the macro definition. - Press
C-x e
to execute this macro. - Press
to repeat this macro. - Press
to quit macro execution.
If you'd like to execute this macro multiple times, you can always use the number prefix trick. For example pressing
5 C-x e
will execute the macro 5 times.
Key(s) | Action |
SPC p t | Show project tree. Press the enter key to open the file. SPC 0 to go back to project tree. Press q to quit project tree |
SPC p a | Toggle between source code and test file |
Window management
The emacs window can be split in to multiple windows.
Press SPC w
and some common window-related commands will be displayed in the mini-buffer.
Key(s) | Action |
SPC w . | Enter window-transition-state, where you can select/move/resize windows |
SPC w d | Delete current window |
SPC w / | Split window horizontally |
SPC w V | Split window horizontally and focus the new window |
SPC w [ | Resize current window |
SPC w s | Split window vertically |
SPC w S | Split window vertically and focus the new window |
SPC t g | Toggle window size golden ratio |
Toggle Emacs keybindings
You can use C-z
to toggle between the default Evil mode and Emacs mode.
Flycheck errors
Key(s) | Action |
SPC e n | Go to next error |
SPC e p | Go to previous error |
SPC e L | Go to flycheck error list |
Key(s) | Action |
, x x | Flutter run or hot reload |
, g r | Find references |
Key(s) | Action |
, q | rust-quick-run |
, = = | rust-format-buffer |
Install necessary dependencies:
pip install python-language-server
pip install importmagic epc
To disable warnings of missing trailing semicolon in JavaScript mode, add this to spacemacs config (SPC f e d
(setq js2-strict-missing-semi-warning nil)
Key(s) | Action |
, , | prview in emacs |
Add your own layer
To create a new layer, press SPC SPC
and select configuration-layer/create-layer
, a template layer will be auto generated.
Refer to configuring-spacemacs-a-tutorial for more details.