Disclaimer: these posts are synchronized from Planet Clojure

nREPL 1.0

Yesterday I released nREPL 1.0. I hadn’t really planned to have the release then, but after cutting CIDER 1.5 (“Strasbourg”) a bit earlier that day, I decided that this was The Day.nREPL 1.0 is a tiny release in terms of changes and that’s OK. It means we’ve gotten to the point where most of the pr...

Joyful Python with the REPL

REPL Driven Development is a workflow that makes coding both joyful and interactive. The feedback loop from the REPL is a great thing to have at your fingertips. "If you can improve just one thing in your software development, make it getting faster feedback." Dave F...

What are the Clojure Tools?

This post is an overview of the Clojure Tools. When I started my Clojure journey I had questions like: How do I install Clojure? How do I run a Clojure program? How do I manage Clojure packages (dependencies)? How do I configure a Clojure project? How do I build Clojure for production? ...

Atom as an IDE for Clojure

My foray into functional programming began recently with Clojure. Emacs is the recommended IDE for Clojure as Emacs was built using Lisp and is relatively easy to setup. I’m not a fan of having to use keybinds to do perform basic function, which Emacs requires, and I love my regular IDE Atom too muc...

Just use Dictionaries

A Python dictionary has a simple & well-known API. It is possible to merge data using a nice & minimalistic syntax, without mutating or worrying about state. You're probably not gonna need classes. Hey, what's wrong with classes? 🤔 From what I've seen...

Clojure Deref (Aug 19, 2022)

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS) Podcasts and videos What is a high-level language? - Eric Normand Create a URL shortner with Clojure and MySQL - on the code again Data Rabbit - Alpha 1, Quick Intro / Overvi...

Senior Data Engineer at Reify Health

Senior Data Engineer at Reify HealthAbout UsReify Health is changing the way medicines are developed by connecting and empowering the clinical trial ecosystem. We are a team of researchers, entrepreneurs, technologists, and healthcare-obsessed professionals building solutions that eliminate some of ...

Hacking the blog: social sharing

It appears that it has been one month and one day since I last hacked the blog. Hard to believe! It's easier to believe that it's been five six days (I started this post yesterday but didn't finish it until today 😬) since I last blogged. I went camping over the weekend, and still haven't finished p...