What the Reagent Component?!

Did you know that when you write a form-1, form-2 or form-3 Reagent component they all default to becoming React class components?

For example, if you were to write this form-1 Reagent component:

(defn welcome []
  [:h1 "Hello, friend"])

By the time Reagent passes it to React it would be the equivalent of you writing this:

class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, friend</h1>

Okay, so, Reagent components become React Class Components. Why do we care? This depth of understanding is valuable because it means we can better understand:

The result of all of this "fundamental" learning is we can more effectively harness JavaScript from within ClojureScript.

A Pseudoclassical Pattern

The reason all of your Reagent components become class components is because all of the code you pass to Reagent is run through an internal Reagent function called create-class. The interesting part of this is how create-class uses JavaScript mechanics to transform the Reagent component you wrote into something that is recognized as a React class component. Before we look into what create-class is doing, it's helpful to review how "classes" work in JavaScript.

Prior to ES6, JavaScript did not have classes. and this made some JS developers sad because classes are a common pattern used to structure ones code and provide mechanisms for:

But as I said, prior to ES6, JavaScript did not have a formal syntax for "classes". This led the JavaScript community to develop a series of instantiation patterns to help simulate classes.

Of all of these patterns, the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern became one of the most popular ways to simulate a class in JavaScript. This is evidenced by the fact that many of the "first generation" JavaScript libraries and frameworks, like google closure library and backbone, are written in this style.

The reason we are going over this history is because the thing about a programming language is there are "patterns" and "syntax". The challenge with "patterns" is:

The last point is relevant to our conversation because patterns ultimatley make assumptions. Assumptions like our understanding of the problem being solved and where and when a pattern should itself be used. The end result is that a pattern can just become a "thing" we do all while forgetting why we started to do it in the first place or what the world could look like without it.

For example, the most common way of writing a React class component is to use ES6 class syntax. But did you know that ES6 class syntax is little more than syntactic sugar around the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern?

For example, you can write a valid React class component using the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern like this:

// 1. define a function (component) called `Welcome`
function Welcome(props, context, updater) {
  React.Component.call(this, props, context, updater)

  return this

// 2. connect `Welcome` to the `React.Component` prototype
Welcome.prototype = Object.create(React.Component.prototype)

// 3. re-define the `constructor`
Object.defineProperty(Welcome.prototype, 'constructor', {
  enumerable: false,
  writable: true,
  configurable: true,
  value: Welcome,

// 4. define your React components `render` method
Welcome.prototype.render = function render() {
  return <h2>Hello, Reagent</h2>

While the above is a valid React Class Component, it's also verbose and error prone. For these reasons JavaScript introduced ES6 classes to the language:

class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, Reagent</h1>

For those looking for further evidence, we can support our claim that ES6 Classes result in same thing as what the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern produces by using JavaScript's built-in introspection tools to compare the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern to the ES6 class syntax.

pseudoclassical instantiation pattern:

function Welcome(props, context, updater) {
  React.Component.call(this, props, context, updater)

  return this

// ...repeat steps 2 - 4 from above before completing the rest

var welcome = new Welcome()

Welcome.prototype instanceof React.Component
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(Welcome.prototype) === React.Component.prototype
// => true

welcome instanceof React.Component
// => true

welcome instanceof Welcome
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(welcome) === Welcome.prototype
// => true

// => true

// => true

ES6 class

class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    console.log('ES6 Inheritance')

var welcome = new Welcome()

Welcome.prototype instanceof React.Component
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(Welcome.prototype) === React.Component.prototype
// => true

welcome instanceof React.Component
// => true

welcome instanceof Welcome
// => true

Object.getPrototypeOf(welcome) === Welcome.prototype
// => true

// => true

// => true

What does all of this mean? As far as JavaScript and React are concerned, both definions of the Welcome component are valid React Class Components.

With this in mind, lets look at Reagent's create-class function and see what it does.

What Reagent Does

The history lesson from the above section is important because create-class uses a modified version of the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern. Let's take a look at what we mean.

The following code sample is a simplified version of Reagent's create-class function:

function cmp(props, context, updater) {
  React.Component.call(this, props, context, updater)

  return this

goog.extend(cmp.prototype, React.Component.prototype, classMethods)

goog.extend(cmp, React.Component, staticMethods)

cmp.prototype.constructor = cmp

What we have above is Reagents take on the pseudoclassical instantiation pattern with a few minor tweaks:

// 1. we copy to properties + methods of React.Component
goog.extend(cmp.prototype, React.Component.prototype, classMethods)

goog.extend(cmp, React.Component, staticMethods)

// 2. the constructor is not as "thorough"
cmp.prototype.constructor = cmp

Exploring point 1 we see that Reagent has opted to copy the properties and methods of React.Component directly to the Reagent compnents we write. That is what's happening here:

goog.extend(cmp.prototype, React.Component.prototype, classMethods)

If we were using the the traditional pseudoclassical approach we would instead do this:

cmp.prototype = Object.create(React.Component.prototype)

Thus, the difference is that Reagent's approach copies all the methods and properties from React.Component to the cmp prototype where as the second approach is going to link the cmp prototype to React.component prototype. The benefit of linking is that each time you instantiate a Welcome component, the Welcome component does not need to re-create all of the React.components methods and properties.

Exploring the second point, Reagent is doing this:

cmp.prototype.constructor = cmp

whereas with the traditional pseudoclassical approach we would instead do this:

Object.defineProperty(Welcome.prototype, 'constructor', {
  enumerable: false,
  writable: true,
  configurable: true,
  value: Welcome,

The difference in the above approaches is that if we just use = as we are doing in the Reagent version we create an enumerable constructor. This can have an implication depending on who consumes our classes, but in our case we know that only React is going to be consuming our class components, so we can do this with relative confidence.

What is one of the more interesting results of the above two Reagent modifications? First, if React depended on JavaScript introspection to tell whether or not a component is a child of React.Component we would not be happy campers:

Welcome.prototype instanceof React.Component
// => false...Welcome is not a child of React.Component

Object.getPrototypeOf(Welcome.prototype) === React.Component.prototype
// => false...React.component is not part of Welcomes prototype chain

welcome instanceof React.Component
// => false...Welcome is not an instance of React.Component

welcome instanceof Welcome
// => true...welcome is a child of Welcome

Object.getPrototypeOf(welcome) === Welcome.prototype
// => true...welcome is linked to Welcome prototype

// => false...React.Component not linked to the prototype of React.Component

// is Welcome is the ancestory?

What the above shows is that Welcome is not a child of React.component even though it has all the properties and methods that React.Component has. This is why were lucky that React is smart about detecting class vs. function components.

Second, by copying rather than linking prototypes we could inccur a performance cost but again, in our case this cost is negligible.


I think it's important to dive into the weeds. In my experience, it's these detours and thorough questioning of topics which has led to considerable improvements in my programming skill and general comfort with increasingly challenging topics.

However, I think the biggest thing for me is something I referenced a few times in this post: "cultural knowledge". I have come to see that that is the most powerful tools we have as a species. It's unfortunate that this kind of information is not always available and my hope is that I could fill some of the gaps with this writing and maybe even open the door to works which can be built ontop of this.

Less philosophically though, I find it encouraging to know that everything is, generally speaking, JavaScript under the hood. This is important because it allows us to take advantage of what has come before and really dig into interesting ways we can use and manipulate JS from within CLJS.