Top 7 template engines for Node JS 2022

Top 7 template engines for Node JS 2022

Today, we are going to discuss the top 7 template engines for Node JS 2022 and if you want to know about what are template engines and more then you can visit this post. In this post, I have explained template engines and pug. So, if you will like our post then share it with your developer friends.

template engines for node js


Mustache is a logicless template engine as it lacks any explicit control flow statements. It is used for creating dynamic content like HTML, configuration files among other things, and more. It is considered the base of JavaScript templating.

Its first version was Mustache-1 which was inspired by template and et and it was started as a distribution at Github at the end of 2009 if you wondered what is a distribution?

then it is a toolkit to pack, ship, store, and deliver container content its developers gave its name Mustache because of heavy use of braces which seems as a Mustache and there are more than 1272 companies in the world that use Mustache for serving dynamic content including Twitter, LinkedIn, and more popular companies.

Another fact about its first version is that it was implemented with Ruby, by running simple YAML texts and it is not only available for Node JS/JavaScript but its implementations are available for several other languages like r ActionScript, C++, Clojure, CoffeeScript, ColdFusion, Common Lisp, Crystal, D, Dart, Delphi, Elixir, Erlang, Fantom, Go, Haskell, Go, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Lua, etc.

Mustache is used mainly for mobile and web applications, it has a very big community as its the most popular JavaScript template engine means that if you face any error on Mustache then its solutions are easily available and along with that it is Open source its Github repository name is

template engines for node js

HandleBars JS

HandleBars JS is also a template engine like Mustache it is very powerful, simple to use and has all features like Mustache with a big community which will help you solve the errors you may find. But if you want to see that between Mustache and HandleBars JS which is better than you can visit my blog and can search Mustache vs Handlebars the link of the blog is given in the header.

It is based on the Mustache template language only but has some different features as well like you can separate the generation of HTML from the rest of your JavaScript and write cleaner code, it provides logic-less templates which do a great job of forcing you to separate presentation from logic,

Clean syntax leads to templates that are easy to build, read, and maintain, Compiled rather than interpreted templates, Better support for paths than mustache (ie, reaching deep into a context object), Better support for global helpers than mustache, and more.

It is an extension to the Mustache templating language which was created by a developer named Chris Wanstrath. Some similar things between both of them are that both Mustache and HandleBars JS provides a logicless template and both of them are open-source.

Its Github Repository link The only con that I don't like about it is that it Requires server-side JavaScript to render on the server and there are many different companies in the world which are using HandleBars JS for their projects like Slack, Alibaba Travels, MasterCard, Fiverr, Hulu, Sap, Starbucks, GoDaddy, Zools and many more. It is integrated with Mustache and Squido.

template engines for node js


doT.JS is a small, efficient and is very fast, and lightweight template engine that only supports itself it has no dependencies and works really awesome with Node JS which is a JavaScript Runtime and native browser integrations.

Due to its compabitlity with the,m it works outstanding and it also faster compared to other template engines. But it has a lot of features rather than that like Super fast, encoding, whitespace control, compile-time evaluation, run-time evaluation, run-time interpolation and custom delimiters, conditional support, partials support, array iterators and more are some features of doT.JS.

But there are also some cons that I faced using doT.JS there is not much information available in Google about doT.JS and there are very fewer forums available for doT.JS. It is also integrated with GULP (Gulp is a cross-platform, streaming task runner that lets developers automate many development tasks.

At a high level, gulp reads files as streams and pipes the streams to different tasks. These tasks are code-based and use plugins. The tasks modify the files, building source files into production files. To get an idea of what gulp can do check the list of gulp recipes on GitHub) and JavaScript.

Its author and GitHub source provider is Laura Doktorova, MIT license their GitHub repositories is and companies like PT and SAFS-FE and more and as a fun fact, it is inspired from jQote2 and underscore.js plugins.

I would also recommend you using this as it is very user friendly and perfect for both beginners and professional web devs and if you want to know how to use it, install it and more then you can visit their GitHub repository.

template engines for node js

EJS(Embedded JavaScript Templates)

EJS is also one of the most popular and my personal favorite template engines. But if you are might wondering what is the full form of EJS then its full form is Embedded JavaScript Templates and it was developed by.

It is an awesome and lightweight template engine for creating HTML markup with simple JavaScript Java code and if you want a template engine that organizes your JavaScript code then EJS makes the work simple for you.

It has fast code execution and ease of debugging and for those also who want to do HTML work with their favorite language, presumably JavaScript then this is a good option for them too.

Template caching and partials, Intelligent error handling with line numbers, and quick for templating UI project, there is a quite good and large community means that if you have any problem or error while using EJS you can find its solution and docs are also fine which you can find on their website and the two best things that I liked about EJS is that it is also Open-Source like Mustache and HandleBars JS.

Its Github repository is and it Complies with the Express view system but along with pros there are some cons of EJS like it is very difficult to read its code, especially for designers and HTML people who don't focus on Backend languages and one more con is that it has no support for block by default.

But it's Ok as every language has both pros and cons. Companies like Angry Ventures, My Franchise, WEB DEV, Loop Stack, Gridle, TechStack are using EJS for their projects.

template engines for node js


NunJucks is also a very popular template engine. It is a very rich and powerful templating language. It was created by Mozilla owner of Firefox Engine.

It is good for both beginners as it is easy to learn, has a good and big community, open-source, free, and for experts also who want a powerful template engine, which must be light and also the execution must be fast and flawless.

It also has block inheritance, auto escaping, macros, asynchronous control, flexible, extendable, with custom filters, and more pros. It is very inspired by jinja2 which is a template engine for Python.

It supports all modern browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and you can also employ Nunjucks on Node. It is also integrated with JavaScript and Lumeland Lume.

Companies like, Upload Care, Zingat, Feelway, Iruka, Madyourself,, are using it. There GitHub repository is

template engines for node js


Underscore JS which is also a very popular templating engine, is an external JavaScript library that provides functional helpers that keep the code base intact. It is developed by two developers Jeremy Ashkenas and Julian Gonggrijp.

They provide 100+ functions that you can use that supports your favorite workaday functional helpers, like map, filter, invoke, and more without extending any built-in objects.

It supports function binding, javascript templating, creating quick indexes, and deep equality testing, Underscore JS is integrated with JScramble which provides enterprise-grade security solutions that secure the client-side of web and hybrid mobile applications.

There are many pros of Underscore JS like it is fast, simple, open-source, backbone, source code is annotated, it is a library, good community and good documentation, and more.

But there are some certain things that people don't like about it like its UI is very ugly, you have to include the whole library inside your project and people also complain that they don't like the syntax of chain function, putting the value function at the end of the line of the code is verbose and ugly that's why.

Its GitHub repository is Companies are used by large companies like Pinterest, Tesla Motors, Figma, Coursera, PostMan, Reddit, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Alibaba, Hulu, and more.

template engines for node js


Webix is a template engine that you can use for a rapid process of development. It has a fantastic and beautiful UI library and framework and there are more than 100 JavaScript widgets and controls await at every user

like data tables, filters, charts, menus, sidebars, carousels and heaps and more are there at Webix With them you can create touch screen web applications for touch screen devices like Mobiles with HTML 5 framework very fast or even a prototype or anything you want.

It is flexible, extendable, high-performing, and user-friendly too. In Webix there are different pricing packages that you can choose according to your need and requirement which you can check out on their site It has Snippet Tool, Form Builder, Skin Builder, Webix. Jet and more.

It is cross-platform, has a big community which will help you if you face any problem and for installation purposes, they also provide documentation which is also very good and it is open source their Github repository is

It is integrated with JavaScript, React, Bootstrap which is a front-end library, and Pattern Lab. A con about Webix is that it is quite expensive. So, if you are ready to go with it Webix is for you. Companies like Gamned, OPUS, InMobi are companies that are using Webix for their projects.

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