November 2020 fundamentals study meetings

TL;DR – please register:

We've recently discussed our plans to organize a study group of the new fundamental layers of Clojure infrastructure as a way of preparing for the new phase the ecosystem is entering.

There is still a lot to think about, but as a first step, we are having a couple of study meetings on the weekend of November 20-22 – not to be confused with the mid-November ML study meetings, which take place one week earlier.

We will have two standalone, independent, and similar 2-hour study sessions about dtype-next, and probably about one of the main libraries based on it: Between the study sessions, we will have a 45-minutes planning chat to discuss our expectations and the plans for the study group.

Another thing that is happening on that weekend, not directly related to the "fundamentals study group", but very much exciting to us, is Joanne Cheng's talk about drawing geographical maps with Clojure. This will be an extended version of Joanne's talk at :clojureD. It will happen immediately after the planning chat, and you are all invited to stay, listen & discuss.

Here is the timeline for that weekend:

Please register in advance as much as possible, and let us know if anything changes about your plans. This will help a lot in the preparations.

See you there!

Jake Nylund, Daniel Slutsky

Q: Can I go to any of the meetings?

A: Yes. Each of the meetings is self-contained. The two dtype-next study sessions will be similar and may overlap in content. You may join one or of the meetings. If you are interested in the longer term, it would be great to arrive at the planning chat – we hope to have everybody there together.

Q: What should I do to participate?


Q: Are the meetings beginner-friendly?


Q: What knowledge will be assumed?


Q: What platform will we use for the meetings?


Q: How can I prepare for the meeting?
