Clojure Goodness: Interleave Keys And Values Into A Map With zipmap

The Clojure function zipmap create a map by interleaving a collection of keys with a collection of values. The first element of the keys collection is the map entry keyword and the first element of the values collection is than the map entry value, and so on for the other elements in the keys and values collections.

In the following example code we use zipmap using different examples of keys and values collections:

(ns mrhaki.core.zipmap
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [is]]))

;; zipmap creates a map with keys from the
;; first collection and values from the second.
(is (= {:name "Hubert" :alias "mrhaki"} 
       (zipmap [:name :alias] ["Hubert" "mrhaki"])))

;; If the size of the values collection is smaller
;; than the size of the keys collection, only 
;; keys that map to a value end in up
;; in the resulting map. 
(is (= {:name "Hubert"}
       (zipmap [:name :alias] ["Hubert"])))

;; If the size of the keys collection is smaller
;; than the size of the value collection, then the
;; returned map only contains keys from the keys 
;; collection and some values are ignored.
(is (= {:name "Hubert"}
       (zipmap [:name] ["Hubert" "mrhaki"])))

;; Using a lazy sequence created by the repeat
;; function we can set a default value for all keys.
(is (= {:name "" :alias "" :city ""}
       (zipmap [:name :alias :city] (repeat ""))))

;; If we have keys with the same name the last
;; mapping ends up in the resulting map.
(is (= {:name "mrhaki"}
       (zipmap [:name :name] ["Hubert" "mrhaki"])))

;; Keys for the resulting map don't have to be keywords,
;; but can be any type.
(is (= {"name" "Hubert" "alias" "mrhaki"}
       (zipmap ["name" "alias"] ["Hubert" "mrhaki"])))

Written with Clojure 1.10.1.