Clojure Deref (July 15, 2022)

Welcome to the Clojure Deref! This is a weekly link/news roundup for the Clojure ecosystem. (@ClojureDeref RSS)


The Dutch Clojure Day will return on Oct 29th in Amsterdam - check out the CFP and registration.

We’ve seen a number of questions about the Clojure/conj and a group has been working on developing a plan. It looks like we probably will not have an event this year but are looking at dates in spring 2023, mostly likely in the Durham, NC area. We hope to have a firm date in the near future.

Clojurists Together has opened funding applications for the next round of funding. Get your projects in!

The Sci Cloj has been hard at work starting some new courses and groups - check out ds4clj: a data science course for Clojure devs and jointprob: a probabilistic modelling and Bayesian statistics study group.

Podcasts and videos

Libraries and Tools

New releases and tools this week: